___        /  /\    
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      \__\:\    /  /:/\:\  
      /  /::\  /  /:/  \:\ 
   __/  /:/\/ /__/:/ \__\:\
  /__/\/:/~~  \  \:\ /  /:/
  \  \::/      \  \:\  /:/ 
   \  \:\       \  \:\/:/  
    \__\/        \  \::/   

#io demo/intro challenge

Since optimizing assembly, algorithmic power, ... Are some of the shared interests we have over at #io. We decided to hold a bit of a demo challenge.

Submissions so far(alphabetical order)

blasty screenshot 1blasty screenshot 2
dion screenshot 1dion screenshot 2
isadmin screenshot 1isadmin screenshot 2
keegan screenshot 1keegan screenshot 2
leithian screenshot 1leithian screenshot 2
miniBill screenshot 1miniBill screenshot 2
nelhage screenshot 1nelhage screenshot 2
p1ra screenshot 1p1ra screenshot 2
uranix screenshot 1uranix screenshot 2

I'd like to thank everybody who participated!

late entries

bla screenshot 1bla screenshot 2
melissa screenshot 1melissa screenshot 2
brainsmoke screenshot 1brainsmoke screenshot 2
pferrie screenshot 1pferrie screenshot 2



None. You do however get bragging rights. And submissions will be showcased on this page.

To get you on your way


Contact us on irc.netgarage.org +6697, or email me on [email protected]
last updated July 2015